Fellows Day 2012

Fellows Day 2012

Over 20 Fellows and colleagues met together at St Mary's Church, Sheffield for a stimulating day of learning, thinking and lively discussion - thanks to Kate Fulton of Bright Souls for organising this event.

The central theme of the day became the human spirit, the flames which we want to strengthen, and the benefits of working together.

Kate Fulton started the day with this thought from Bishop Tutu:

Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.

Simon Duffy explained the vision and strategy of the Centre and answered questions like: Why is the logo blue? and Why is it called The Centre for Welfare Reform?

Family leadership

Pippa Murray gave a presentation explaining how family leaders begins from the inside:

Help & Connect

Kellie Woodley explained how the Help and Connect model was transforming their advocacy practice - but also how some of the progress around personalisation seems to be becoming unstuck.

The Health & Social Care Marketplace

Don Derrett explained how Self Direct has been working to drive forward progress around personalisation nationally,particularly with service providers.

Social Innovation in India

Vinesh Kumar told the story of his bike ride across India and outlined the inspirational work of Aravind Eye Care.

The fight for citizenship

Judith North outlined the problems faced by a service provider trying to support people to be active citizens and the conflict between this aspiration and the realities of an increasingly bureaucratic and centralised commissioning system.

Community not commissioning

Bob Rhodes argued that the whole welfare system has forgotten the value of people, relationships, family and community.

In the afternoon there was a lively discussion in two parts:

Is it all zombie personalisation?

We discussed the emerging problems in personalisation, supported living and the emerging disaster of the government's welfare reforms and other cuts to incomes and services for disabled people and the poor. Key themes included:

Entitlements - the failure to respect that it's people's money - not government's money
Power - the creeping control, bureaucracy and waste in current systems
Policy - the lack of a coherent and legally enforceable set of rights and protections
Leadership - the failure to respect the capacities and motivation of people and families

Keep the flame burning

We discussed how to strengthen the efforts of people, families and communities to regain control over their own destinies and battle injustice. Ideas included:

Local control - get more money directly to local communities
Campaign - the need for direct action, resistance and a much more challenging approach
Transparency - systems, money, processes all need to be clear, simple and accountable
Connected - there is a great power in our efforts - but they need to be connected better


Simon reviewed the day and some of the lessons and emerging patterns. There was also a special thank you to Marita Walker of Perth Home Care Services who had helped fund the venue as part of her fact-finding visit to the UK. Fellows and allies left with more plans for contribution, connection and a little more hope for the future.

Article | 19.09.12

social care, Article

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